Прирачник Tesla TA36FFLL-1232IA Клима-уред

Ви треба прирачник за вашиот Tesla TA36FFLL-1232IA Клима-уред? Подолу можете да го погледнете и преземете PDF прирачникот бесплатно на англиски јазик. Овој производ моментално има 0 често поставувани прашања, 0 коментари и има 0 гласови. Ако ова не е прирачникот што го сакате, ве молиме контактирајте со нас.

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This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall
not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.
(Only for the AC with CE-MARKING)
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction
concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to
ensure that they do not play with the appliance. (Except for the AC with CE-MARKING)
The air conditioner must be grounded. Incomplete grounding may result in electric shocks. Do
not connect the earth wire to the gas pipeline, water pipeline, lightning rod, or telephone earth wire.
Always switch off the device and cut the power supply when the unit is not in use for long time so as to ensure
Take care not let the remote control and the indoor unit watered or being too wet. Otherwise, it may cause short
If the power supply cable is damaged, it must be replaced by manufacture or its service agent or a similar
qualified person.
Don’t cut off main power switch during operating or with wet hands. It may cause electric shock.
Don’t share the socket with other electric appliance. Otherwise, it may cause electric shock even fire and
Always switch off the device and cut the power supply before performing any maintenance or cleaning.
Otherwise, it may cause electric shock or damage.
Don’t pull the power cord when pull out the power plug. The damage of pulling power cord will cause serious
electric shock.
A warning that ducts connected to an appliance shall not contain an ignition source.
Don’t install air conditioner in a place where there is flammable gas or liquid. The distance between them
should above 1m. It may cause fire even explosion.
Don’t use liquid or corrosive cleaning agent wipe the air conditioner and sprinkle water or other liquid either.
Doing this may cause electric shock or damage to the unit.
Don’t attempt to repair the air conditioner by yourself. Incorrect repairs may cause fire or explosion. Contact a
qualified service technician for all service requirement.
Don’t use air conditioner in lightning strom weather. Power supply should be cut in time to prevent the
occurrence of danger.
Don’t put hands or any objects into the air inlets or outlets. This may cause personal injury or damage to the unit.
Please note whether the installed stand is firm enough or not. If it is damaged, it may lead to the fall of the unit
and cause the injury.
Don’t block air inlet or air outlet. Otherwise, the cooling or heating capacity will be weakened, even cause
system stop operating.
Don’t let the air conditioner blow against the heater appliance. Otherwise it will lead to incomplete combustion,
thus causing poisoning.
The appliance shall be installed in accordance with national wiring regulations.
An earth leakage breaker with rated capacity must be installed to avoid possible electric shocks.
This product contains fluorinated greenhouse gases.
Refrigerant leakage contributes to climate change.
Refrigerant with lower global warming potential (GWP) would contribute less to global warming than a
refrigerant with higher GWP, if leaked to the atmosphere. This appliance contains a refrigerant fluid with a GWP
equal to [675]. This means that if 1 kg of this refrigerant fluid would be leaked to the atmosphere, the impact on
global warming would be [675] times higher than 1 kg of CO2, over a period of 100 years. Never try to interfere
with the refrigerant circuit yourself or disassemble the product yourself and always ask a professional.
Ensure no following objects under the indoor unit:
1. microwaves, ovens and other hot objects.
2. computers and other high electrostatic appliances.
3. sockets that plug frequently.
The joints between indoor and outdoor unit shall not be reused, unless after re-flaring the pipe.
The specification of the fuse are printed on the circuit bord, such as: 3.15A/250V AC, etc.
Преземете прирачник на англиски јазик (PDF, 5.13 MB)
(Размислете за животната средина и отпечатете го овој прирачник само ако е навистина неопходно)


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Тука можете да го споделите вашето мислење за Tesla TA36FFLL-1232IA Клима-уред. Ако имате прашања, најпрво прочитајте го прирачникот. Можете да побарате прирачник ако го употребите нашиот прирачник за контакт.

Повеќе за овој прирачник

Разбираме дека е практично да имате печатен прирачник за Tesla TA36FFLL-1232IA Клима-уред. Секогаш можете да го преземете прирачникот од нашата интернет-страница и да го отпечатите сами. Ако сакате да го имате оригиналниот прирачник, ви препорачуваме да контактирате со Tesla. Тие можеби ќе можат да ви дадат оригинален прирачник. Барате прирачник за вашите Tesla TA36FFLL-1232IA Клима-уред на различен јазик? Изберете го претпочитаниот јазик на нашата интернет-страница и пребарајте го бројот на модел за да видите дали го имаме.


Бренд Tesla
Модел TA36FFLL-1232IA
Категорија Клима-уреди
Тип датотека PDF
Големина на датотека 5.13 MB

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Прирачник Tesla TA36FFLL-1232IA Клима-уред

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