4 English
Using this manual
Using this manual
Please take the time to read this owner’s manual, paying particular attention to the safety
information contained in the following section, before using your appliance. Keep this manual
for future reference.
If transferring ownership of the appliance, please remember to pass the manual on to the
new owner.
The following symbols are used in this User Manual:
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in severe personal injury or death.
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in minor personal injury or property damage.
To reduce the risk of re, explosion, electric shock, or personal injury when using your hob,
follow these basic safety precaution.
Useful tips, recommendations, or information that helps users manipulate the product.
Model name & serial number
Both the model name and the serial number are labeled underneath the cooktop base.
For later use, write down the information or attach the additional product label (located on
the top of the product) onto the current page.
Model Name
Serial Number
NZ84J9770EK_EE_DG68-00632A-02_SV+NO+FI+DA+EN.indb 4 2016-12-06 12:29:41
Употреба на овој прирачник
Употреба на овој прирачник
Ве молиме, пред да го употребите апаратот одделете време за да го прочитате овој
прирачник со сопственички информации и посебно внимание посветете им на
безбедносните информации што се дадени во следниот дел. Зачувајте го овој прирачник за
идна употреба.
Ако ја пренесувате сопственоста на апаратот, ве молиме не заборавајте на новиот сопственик
да му го дадете и прирачникот.
Во овој Прирачник за употреба се користат следниве симболи:
4 English
Using this manual
Using this manual
Please take the time to read this owner’s manual, paying particular attention to the safety
information contained in the following section, before using your appliance. Keep this manual
for future reference.
If transferring ownership of the appliance, please remember to pass the manual on to the
new owner.
The following symbols are used in this User Manual:
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in severe personal injury or death.
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in minor personal injury or property damage.
To reduce the risk of re, explosion, electric shock, or personal injury when using your hob,
follow these basic safety precaution.
Useful tips, recommendations, or information that helps users manipulate the product.
Model name & serial number
Both the model name and the serial number are labeled underneath the cooktop base.
For later use, write down the information or attach the additional product label (located on
the top of the product) onto the current page.
Model Name
Serial Number
NZ84J9770EK_EE_DG68-00632A-02_SV+NO+FI+DA+EN.indb 4 2016-12-06 12:29:41
Опасности или небезбедни практики што може да доведат до тешки телесни повреди или
до смрт.
4 English
Using this manual
Using this manual
Please take the time to read this owner’s manual, paying particular attention to the safety
information contained in the following section, before using your appliance. Keep this manual
for future reference.
If transferring ownership of the appliance, please remember to pass the manual on to the
new owner.
The following symbols are used in this User Manual:
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in severe personal injury or death.
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in minor personal injury or property damage.
To reduce the risk of re, explosion, electric shock, or personal injury when using your hob,
follow these basic safety precaution.
Useful tips, recommendations, or information that helps users manipulate the product.
Model name & serial number
Both the model name and the serial number are labeled underneath the cooktop base.
For later use, write down the information or attach the additional product label (located on
the top of the product) onto the current page.
Model Name
Serial Number
NZ84J9770EK_EE_DG68-00632A-02_SV+NO+FI+DA+EN.indb 4 2016-12-06 12:29:41
Опасности или небезбедни практики што може да доведат до мали телесни повреди или до
оштетување на имотот.
4 English
Using this manual
Using this manual
Please take the time to read this owner’s manual, paying particular attention to the safety
information contained in the following section, before using your appliance. Keep this manual
for future reference.
If transferring ownership of the appliance, please remember to pass the manual on to the
new owner.
The following symbols are used in this User Manual:
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in severe personal injury or death.
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in minor personal injury or property damage.
To reduce the risk of re, explosion, electric shock, or personal injury when using your hob,
follow these basic safety precaution.
Useful tips, recommendations, or information that helps users manipulate the product.
Model name & serial number
Both the model name and the serial number are labeled underneath the cooktop base.
For later use, write down the information or attach the additional product label (located on
the top of the product) onto the current page.
Model Name
Serial Number
NZ84J9770EK_EE_DG68-00632A-02_SV+NO+FI+DA+EN.indb 4 2016-12-06 12:29:41
За да го намалите ризикот од пожар, експлозија, електричен удар или лични повреди при
користењето на индукциската плоча, придржувајте се кон овие основни безбедносни мерки
на претпазливост.
4 English
Using this manual
Using this manual
Please take the time to read this owner’s manual, paying particular attention to the safety
information contained in the following section, before using your appliance. Keep this manual
for future reference.
If transferring ownership of the appliance, please remember to pass the manual on to the
new owner.
The following symbols are used in this User Manual:
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in severe personal injury or death.
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in minor personal injury or property damage.
To reduce the risk of re, explosion, electric shock, or personal injury when using your hob,
follow these basic safety precaution.
Useful tips, recommendations, or information that helps users manipulate the product.
Model name & serial number
Both the model name and the serial number are labeled underneath the cooktop base.
For later use, write down the information or attach the additional product label (located on
the top of the product) onto the current page.
Model Name
Serial Number
NZ84J9770EK_EE_DG68-00632A-02_SV+NO+FI+DA+EN.indb 4 2016-12-06 12:29:41
Корисни совети, препораки или информации што им помагаат на корисниците да управуваат
со производот.
Назив на моделот и сериски број
Називот на моделот и серискиот број се означени под базата на горната плоча.
За подоцнежна употреба запишете ги информациите или додадете дополнителна ознака за
производот (се наоѓа на горниот дел од производот) на оваа страница.
Назив на моделот
Сериски број
Приклучете се во разговорот за овој производ
Тука можете да го споделите вашето мислење за Samsung NZ84J9770EK/EO Плотна. Ако имате прашања, најпрво прочитајте го прирачникот. Можете да побарате прирачник ако го употребите нашиот прирачник за контакт.